Insolite Troglodyte Spa Insolite troglodyte Spa
1 Night 20m2
Cancellation is free up untill 2024-06-29 (2 days before arrival date). In case of late cancellation or no show, you will pay the following cost Deposit
Amount | Details
249.00 EUR

Tourist taxes not included

Cancellation is free up untill 2024-06-29 (2 days before arrival date).
Only 1 Room Left!

Max occupancy: 2 Guests


Hot tub, Toiletries, Pets allowed (extra charge), Telephone, Sauna, Kettle, Wireless internet connection, Flat TV, Shower gel, Shower, Hangers, Hot water, Hair Dryer, Autonomous conditioned air, Air conditioning, Bathrobe, Double bed, Pets allowed

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