Junior suites
1 Night 38m2
It is a very large and bright double suite characterized by the presence of ancient stone friezes, which belonged to the facade of the church of San Homo Bono, dating back to the 18th century....
Price from
198.00 EUR

Tourist taxes not included

Only 1 Room Left!
It is a very large and bright double suite characterized by the presence of ancient stone friezes, which belonged to the facade of the church of San Homo Bono, dating back to the 18th century.

Max occupancy: 2 Guests

Authorization issuing authority: CIR Regione Sicilia .The authorization to sell this room is identified by the code 19089017B418851.
Non rimborsabile
220.00 198.00 EUR
Non rimborsabile
Free cancellation
220.00 EUR
Cancellation is free up untill 2024-06-26 (7 days before arrival date).

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