La Madonetta
Official Website
Amount 0.00 €
Rooms 0
Cancellation is free up untill 2024-07-01 (2 days before arrival date). In case of late cancellation or no show, you will pay the following cost First nightCancellation is free up untill 2024-07-01 (2 days before arrival date). In case of late cancellation or no show, you will pay the following cost First night

Agaggià - Superior Double Room with city view

Large room finely furnished equipped with  double bed and located on the first floor of the main structure, from which it is The nearby breakfast room and the sitting room on the mezz...

Large room finely furnished equipped with double bed and located on thefirst floor of the main structure, from which it is The nearby breakfast room and the sitting room on the mezzanine are easily accessible.

Private bathroom, air conditioning, satellite TV and wi-fi are available in the room.

The comfortable internal lift will take you will allow you to move comfortably within the structure.

Max occupancy: 2 Guests

The authorization to sell this room is identified by the code 011017-AFF-0010.
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Flexible: You can cancel or modify your reservation with no charges until 2 days before arrival date. A night will be charged in any other case.Flexible

A GaggiàBest Rate

Breakfast included
Free cancellation until 23:59 of 2024-06-30
Not Refundable: You will be request to pay at the moment of reservation. The amount not refundable in case of cancellation. Not Refundable

A GaggiàNot Refundable

Breakfast included
This reservation is not refundable.

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