
Description of the neighborhood

The property is located in a quiet neighborhood. Nearby is the church of Agios Nikolaos, the Primary School and hotels. The property has two entrances. East is located on the back side of the property and adjoins a municipal paved road (I. Hatzakou), where parking is allowed. The road leads from E.O Volos Zagora to the camps. The N/W side adjoins a paved road (Agiou Nikolaou), which leads after a few meters to the central square of Portaria.

Modes of transportation

Transportation to the property is done in a car. car. Parking is allowed on the municipal street. Also, Portaria has regular public transportation with K.T.E.L. buses. The movement from the accommodation can also be done on foot, as it is close to all points of interest.

Venus guesthouse
Official Website
Portaria Magnesia 37011 Πορταριά