
Beneath the King of the Andals and the First Men, the Hand of the King, and the Small Council, but still enjoying a great degree of autonomy, are the rulers of each region. They are almost all referred to as Lords Paramount of their respective region, with the only two exceptions being Dorne, the ruler being referred to as the Prince of Dorne, and the Iron Islands, the ruler being referred to as the Lord of the Iron Islands. The Lords Paramount are the paternal heads of the Great Houses; each Great House rules a region.

Additionally, some Lords Paramount bear the title of Warden, who are regional commanders sworn to defend the realm from threats posed in and around their region. The four Wardens are the Wardens of the North, the Wardens of the West, the Wardens of the East, and the Wardens of the South.

Below the rulers of each constituent region lie their vassals: lords and landed knights, who rule in the name of their liege lords and are sworn to answer their summons when the need arises. These lords may have, in turn, their own lords and sworn knights ruling over portions of their own lands. The lowest in the social ladder are the smallfolk, or commoners, who make up the majority of the population.

Plaza Espana Madrid
From 18/04 To 19/04
price from
995.00 EUR

Guglielm Hotel
Piazza dei cavalieri di Malta Roma  
To book, look for an available date inside the calendar.

Hotel dei Gatti
Largo Torre Argentina, 1 30 Conil de la Frontera
From 18/04 To 19/04
price from
55.00 EUR

Piazza Vittorio Emanuele 4 ROMA
To book, look for an available date inside the calendar.

Masseria Rocca di Gonato
Farm house
Contrada Gonato castelbuono  
To book, look for an available date inside the calendar.

Mechou Hotel & Spa
Descrizione Hotel 
via giovanni andrea badoero 10 ROMA
From 18/04 To 19/04
price from
90.00 EUR