
The Maison Twentyfive is ...

The Maison Twentyfive is a cocktail of experiences lived by the creator of the same, Mario, who after twenty-five years of hotel experience in the world of luxury between Munich, Paris, London, Washington DC, St. Moritz, Rome and Milan decides to start a new challenge, a new life experience, this time characterized by the entrepreneurial factor and in addition, in its place of origin ... Ischia Island.

Mario, from an early age lived with the culture of Hospitality and hospitality conveyed to him by his Daddy Francesco (Former Concierge d’Hotels), appreciating to such an extent that he embarked on an international vocational training course, experiencing a series of important experiences in all fields of the luxury hotel sector.

The structure, a typical Casa Ischitana of the early 1900s located in a quiet corner, in the center of the island's main town, recently renovated, reflects the classic style and tradition with contemporary characters, with classic and modern materials, furnishings and lighting.

The restyling was carried out trying to combine tradition with contemporary characters with furnishings, technology and comfort with features of functionality and simplicity.

The renovation of the house has been cared for keeping the characteristics of the place intact and at the same time paying attention to the spaces of white and light, respecting the environment and maintaining the simple but always winning "taste of simplicity".